SPLAT Archive

Curious about Legal Issues?

I just discovered this great podcast site called "Nolo: Your Legal Companion."  They are not, of course, designed for a library; however, there is lots of great stuff on there.  There are segments on all kinds of different issues: how to sell a business, how to advocate for a special education child, how to discipline

a tiny encapsulation of L2.0

I came across this while catching up on my blogs. It blew my hair back ya might say. You've gotta watch it. I think I'll be pointing back to this for quite some time when talking to people about Web 2.0 and Library 2.0.

What about librarians? Will they be around?

We've heard people speak of the dark tidings looming over libraries, given that "everything" is on the Internet. But we also know this is a huge fat lie, right?

To add to the discussion on why libraries--and librarians--are important (as if we need a refresher!  But then again...) you can check DegreeTutor's article

Should Libraries Be Arcades?

Photograph by Matt O'Hara."What are you, an arcade?" kicks off Chip's blog post that defends one library's decision to disallow access to "gaming" websites on their public computers. It's all too easy to picture the situation that precipitated this decision --

High Tech & High Touch

How confident do you feel about your ability to locate Idaho legal resources?

Jean Mattimoe and I are thinking about a new way to help Idaho librarians boost their experience and confidence with Idaho legal materials. Using software called JYBE (Join Your Browser with Everyone), we

“10 Reasons You Need Your Public Library”

My coworker passed this post onto me.  I thought it was well done and useful.  I often find myself in the position of defending the existence and funding of libraries.  So many people feel that with the current and ongoing evolution of the internet, libraries are irrelevant.  The post gives 10 reasons why we

All Up in Your MySpace

Well, we've finally taken the plunge (aka: I rearranged my priority list) and now have a MySpace page. Our URL is: www.myspace.com/idahosplat. That's one New Year's resolution that won't actually have to make it on the list.

We're just starting out and there isn't much up there yet (partially because MySpace is

Rock ‘Em, Sock ‘Em, Library Robots

LEGO Mindstorms NXTMy first three sessions of Robot Creations are over and I've got a couple more weeks before I launch into four more sessions. I thought I'd take advantage of this opportunity to share a little bit of what I've picked up from the

Congratulations – You’re the Person of the Year

Time's Person of the Year is YouThe 2006 recipient of TIME Magazine's coveted Person of the Year is none other than YOU. Yes, you, your staff, your patrons and everyone else. All thanks to our good friend, the World Wide

Do Re Meebo Me!

Instant Messaging (IM) is a simple, easy way to communicate with others around the world's corner. Distance becomes moot. Cool? You bet!

If you visit this blog you may have noticed the Meebo graphic to your left. Clicking on that will