SPLAT Archive

Internet hacks for library stuff

Lifehacker, one of my favorite websites for all things cool and internet-y, has posted "13 book hacks for the library crowd" on incorporating web-based web tools and library resources.  Check out the comments too, as readers point out their favorite online tools and library services. 

What’s a prosumer? And when did Google buy Microsoft?

This kind of video is making the rounds again, where the future is shown as the fusion of technology and personal--but highly selective--consumption of information.

It begs the question, doesn't it, of what kind of libraries we will have in 2015? Will we

“omg my mom joined Facebook!”

I sure hope this link works ... because it made me laugh until I cried!  Actually, it hit kinda close to home.  What happens when parents invade Facebook? Click here.

Wikis explained in video

I wrote on a previous post about how easy wikis are to use, and now the good folks who brought us "RSS in Plain English" have a brand new, easy to understand video titled "Wikis in Plain English"

Collection Development in the Digital Age

Collection Development in the Digital AgeA big SPLAT-erific welcome to all the 2007 SWILA participants who attended my presention! It was great to present for such an enthusastic audience at my alma mater on Saturday, May 19th about

Meebo Rooms & SPLAT

Meebo RoomsAs Aaron Schmidt put it, everything old is new again with the latest update to Meebo which unveiled their new "chat room" feature dubbed Meebo Rooms. More than just ordinary chat rooms, Meebo Rooms let you embed and share

The Six Million Dollar Librarian

"As librarians, the library might be the center of our universe, but we really need to remember that for the rest of the population, it’s just another errand among many tasks and duties crowding our lives. Is there a way to make this particular task easier, faster, more efficient? If so, let’s do it!"

Video: RSS in Plain English

Good stuff!

Group lessons for Library 2.0

The April 15 issue of Library Journal describes online training for the entire staff of Missouri River Regional Library in Jefferson City. Staff members who completed the program within 16 weeks got an MP3 player as a reward.

Would this work somewhere in Idaho? Could we use LSTA funds for a pilot

LOCB: guess what this is?

Yes, the venerable Library of Congress has a blog! I wonder if they'll have enough things to blog about? Subscribed!