Just in time for Halloween!

 tombstoneI finally logged on to www.findagrave.com and think it has a lot of potential for library programming. I heard Stephen Abram mention the site at the Digital Natives Conference in July and again when he presented at the

adalib.org 2.0

adalib.org 2.0Look out world (wide web) -- Ada Community Library has a brand new website! After several months in development, we finally went live last Friday (10/20/06) with our new and improved web presence.

Our new website features blogs (for each department and

Getting Geekier by the Minute

I’ve been working with 16 dedicated Idaho public and school librarians in an online class sponsored by YALSA to learn how teens’ use of technology to play, learn, and create improves their text-based literacy skills. This group met in Boise on September 28 and will get together again after the online portion of the course.

Library’s profiles in MySpace and Facebook make the (campus) news

Albertson College of Idaho's Terteling Library's early forays into MySpace and Facebook have made the news, at least on campus. 

The October 17th issue of the Coyote, ACI's student newspaper, includes the article "Are you a Facebook friend with Terteling? Library uses social networking sites

Internet Explorer Gets A Facelift

If you are a windows user you will soon be getting (Nov. 1st?) a new version of Internet Explorer 7 (IE7).   For those of you who like and have grown accustomed to IE6 you have the option of stopping the automatic download of IE7 by downloading this

Web 2.0: Cool…But What Is It?

Web 2.0 Logos

Web 2.0 Logos

Defining an idea or thing is fraught with erroneous assumptions and requires vast amounts of your beverage of choice. Take “Web 2.0” and its multiplying stepchildren “Library 2.0” and Nissan’s “Shift 2.0” (and

Wiki Disaster

I came back from ILA and our SPLAT meeting revved up about technology and ready for the Teens & Tech class that Stephanie & I are taking.

 This week, we had to create a MySpace account and link it to the class Wiki (which is private, or I'd link it...).  When I went to link my MySpace

Nintendo Wii @ Your Library?

Nintendo Wii

Looking to reach Digital Natives of all ages? We librarians have an ally in the upcoming Nintendo Wii.

Many libraries have achieved great success by piloting video game programs. (See "Building a Community Around Gaming" on the YALSA blog for just

News Readers: Bloglines or Google?

During ILA in Moscow we of the SPLAT group talked to a lot of folks about news readers and how useful they can be.  Invariably many of you asked, "Which one would you recommend?"   While there are many readers out there, we usually went with Bloglines or Google Reader.  Both have their fans and malcontents, and one of

ILA here I come

Well, Dylan and I made it safely to Moscow a little while ago.  We had enough time to eat lunch and check out the conference diggs and now we're waiting for our first SPLAT meeting start.  I'm looking forward to the conference and to getting people set up with IM, Readers, and maybe even play