SPLAT Archive

Fab Lab!

Fayetteville Free Library is having the grand opening of a new public service -- "Fab Lab" on April 14!  What is a Fab Lab?  Check out the website and see:  http://www.fayettevillefreelibrary.org/about-us/services/fablab 

So where will Idaho's first Fab Lab be?  Or is there already one I don't know about?

Disruptive Technologies! Oh My!

Charlene Li provides a couple of thought-provoking presentations via  "Preparing for the Future of Social Media" and "Disruptive Technology Outlook 2011" -- take a few minutes to view and reflect how the use of social media is changing the face of your library as well as how your library is handling

Discover Tech / ALA

An interactive, traveling exhibition called Discover Tech:  Engineers Make A World of Difference will be touring September 2012 to June 2014 and is made possible by the National Science Foundation.  Only 8 sites will be selected ... wouldn't it be cool if one of those sites were in Idaho? For more information go to http://www.ala.org/programming/discovertech. 

A short how-to


One of my favorite co-SPLAT-ers (and really, they're all my favorites) asked me to do a quick how-to for those of you who really want to make those cool links in your blog posts that direct readers to something awesome with a label you've made yourself. What I'm trying to say is, this is

Open Source Software Learning Opportunity

Everyone in the library world is probably at least a little bit familiar with open source software.  A lot of people are using open source web browsers like Firefox and Chrome and the open source office suite Open Office has been around long enough that the software has forked into two branches –

SPLAT Turns 6!

Happy Birthday to the Special Projects Library Action Team! This summer marks the sixth year that the Idaho Commission for Libraries-sponsored group has been working throughout the Idaho library community. This group -- an output of the 2020 Futures Conference held in 2005 -- was charged to serve in a crow's

Password Management

Passwords... we all struggle with them.  The security people in this world say we need to think of aggressive and unique passwords, that we need to make sure that none of our passwords are reused or used for different services... that the weakest link in our personal security is the one site we use with

Love Wordle? Try Tagxedo!

Making colorful tag clouds with Wordle can be so much fun (www.wordle.net), but would you like to shape that tag cloud for a little more creativity?  If so, try www.tagxedo.com to put your favorite speech, poem, vocabulary list, or any other group of words into a unique shape.


Netted by the Webbys

I am prone to being overly excited about new things. It seems to be inherent to my character, but I'm learning to accept that. With that disclaimer out of the way, this is seriously one of the coolest things! 

If you haven't heard of them, the Webby Awards are handed out yearly

Simple Pleasures : Sunshine and fresh air with your fellow librarians

Today I'm in Boise for our quarterly SPLAT meeting, and once again I'm reminded by One of the Simple Pleasures in Life!  That is, I am together with my fellow librarians, hearing about their libraries and how they solve problems (or create work-arounds for those problems) and what cool and useful techie gems that are