website Archive

StumbleUpon this!

As many of you know, Pinterest has exploded in the last few years. While this is a very popular website featuring DIY projects and funny (often true?) pictures, the original website or source of the shared content is not always linked to the pin you are looking at. However, a similar discovery engine, StumbleUpon, allows

Agile Web Development & Heat Tracking

I’d heard the term Agile Development before, but the term seemed so daunting… what kind of code did I need to know?  Did I need to program?  What kind of computer did I need?  It was too much.  However… I attended a session on Agile Development at Internet Librarian, and it turns out it is

Updating the library website

Just over a year ago I started looking at my library’s website. It was in dreadful need of updating. The style, content and organization had not really been touched since the last major update several years ago. Web designers recommend updating a website’s visual design and function every 2-3 years, and ours was certainly overdue.