What is the future of libraries?

In the future, it seems, there will be no fixed canons of texts and no fixed epistemological boundaries between disciplines, only paths of inquiry, modes of integration, and moments of encounter.” – Carla Hesse 


What is the future of libraries when knowledge is no longer created by a knowledgable speaker imparting information onto a learner or student? What you get is a lot of users and students creating knowledge. Where do libraries fit into that? 

John Seely Brown talked about this at Internet Librarian. http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/17940819 If you can watch this UStream of the talk. It will inspire you, hopefully, like I was inspired, to think about how libraries fit into this kind of future. We can: 

  • foster study groups
  • create serendipitous moments
  • find resources and help students connect and synthesize
  • create collectives of learning
  • when teaching – develop groups of people who will work together to create information/knowledge together
  • enable paths of inquiry
  • enable groups to work together
  • develop critical reasoning skills
  • develop the ability to play!
What do you think is the future in this changing world of knowledge creation?