Author Archive

Microsoft Live Sky Drive- 25GB!

Sky Drive

Looking for great FREE online storage space? Do your patrons need a place to store lots of info? Well check out one of the newest innovations from Microsoft called Sky Drive. The site will give its users 25 gigabytes of storage space. To learn more or

What if we had this for library books? has a great tool that shows in real time when people are buying shoes online, where they are when they buy them, and shows an image of the shoe they are buying:

I immediately thought that it would be really amazing if libraries had this very thing, except to protect user privacy, without

Oprah: release the Twitter dogs!

Guess the secret's out about how non-threatening and easy it is to do the Twitter thing. Oprah's doing it. The dude from "Dude, where's my car?" is doing it. OCLC's doing it. Sure, you'll get the lame status update sandwiched with the newest programming news from PBS, but it's all on who you follow, follow?

Cool Twitter Use

Here is a very cool use of twiitering with teens. I could totally see this working in place of a book discussion at a public or school library....check it out,

Twitter fun

Twitter does cater to the banality of daily life (in 140 characters or less), but you can utilize this near-synchronous communication tool with friends and strangers alike to share tips, tricks, and everything interesting in between. How can you use this type of

Facebook and Grades

A recent study found an inverse correlation between Facebook use and college grades.  I guess they're not all just Facebooking their college library resources.  Jolie Vandal will be bitterly disappointed!  

 Read more at:

A Peep at Low-Tech Community Building

OK, this isn’t even remotely an electronic application.  But, I believe that it has a certain “SPLAT-iness” to it:  Peeps Dioramas! 

Apparently, Washington DC and Denver and other communities around the U.S. have annual contests inviting folks

Learn (Again) with SPLAT 101 Redo

SPLAT 101 Official registration for SPLAT 101 has closed, but you can still participate in this self-paced online course! (If you want to receive weekly reminder emails, email Shirley Biladeau.) Join others and learn about six technology-based resources that can save you time and money at

The Start-Up Librarian


It is no secret that the members of SPLAT love innovation. I just read this great article in the NextGen column for Library Journal encouraging libraries to follow the lead of corporations like Google and truly create environments that support and encourage innovation, creativity, and radical ideas. What

Better to show and tell than just tell

I've seen this trend with more frequency, of explaining complex concepts into easy to digest ideas via powerful and effective visuals. The latest I've come across is this video titled, "The Crisis Of Credit Visualized"

The Crisis of Credit