Monthly Archive:: March 2011

Oh, Nintendo, how I love thee…

The Nintendo 3DS was officially released Sunday. After listening to my husband extol its virtues ad nauseam over the last year, I was excited to see if the device lived up to the hype.

Oh, and then some.

The first device (as far as I know) to offer "glasses free" 3D viewing of games and movies,

Opting Out of Copyright

I was flipping through my email this morning, and found an article in Library Journal that dealt with the Google Books Settlement. This settlement is important to libraries, because it deals with issues of copyright and Google’s access to out-of-print works. Google has offered a

Anythink Libraries

Last week I got the wonderful opportunity to tour the Anythink Libraries in Denver with some of the BEST Idaho librarians!  There were four of us, and we had a blast touring most of the Anythink Libraries and learning from their successes.  What is Anythink?  Anythink is a revolutionary group of public libraries that are

Are our tools making our decisions for us?

This article from Newsweek provides interesting data to suggest that we aren't nearly as in control of our decisions as we'd like to believe. The most salient point, though, is that our twitters and facebooks and cell phones are likely inhibiting not only our ability to make decisions ("info-paralysis"), but causing us to make worse

How many librarians does it take to change a lightbulb?

Humor time! Funny question! And IFLA answered this question, too at this library humour page:

I realized today that I had answered so many questions, "it depends" that I thought it sounded funny. So I decided to make it the punch line. 

Q: How many librarians does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: It depends on